Treating Mental Health Issues with Cannabis: What You Should Know
August 30, 2021
While there are many tools that people can use to manage their mental health, for many,

Using Cannabis for Sleep Management
July 28, 2021
While many people just use cannabis for recreation, it has a lot of practical purposes as

What to Know When Purchasing Edibles
July 16, 2021
Edibles are an exciting and popular product at many cannabis dispensaries, and with good reason. For

What to Expect When Visiting a Detroit Dispensary
July 6, 2021
Legalized cannabis of any kind – both medical and recreational – is still relatively new for

CBD & THC: What You Need To Know
June 24, 2021
At Wayne Releaf we have several CBD-only products, as well as products with CBD and THC

Celebrating a Great First Year in Business
May 10, 2021
This month, Wayne Releaf hit a big milestone: our one-year anniversary. Opening in the pandemic’s height